Christopher Crow

Web Developer

Showcasing my abilities as a developer through my personal projects.

About Me

I am a web developer who is passionate about developing web applications that look good and provide an optimal user experience. I enjoy quickly learning new technologies as they become relevant by applying them to real-world projects. I have an eye for design and enjoy taking the time to make my work look pixel perfect and function across all devices.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • React
  • Redux
  • Typescript
  • Webpack
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphQL


A simple landing page created for Finderr!, a service that helps people with lost pets become reunited with them.



An e-commerce website for purchasing beats online. Developed with the MERN stack (Mongo, Express, React and Node) as well as SASS for styling and Redux for global state management. Features a complete backend server connected to a database for full functionality.


FitTogether is a social network that allows people to connect with each other through their passion for fitness and health. Built with React, Typescript and SASS.


Askit is a simple website that allows users to post questions as well as answer the questions of other users. Built with the MongoDB, Express, Node and React.

Contact Me

Use the simple form below to send me a message or email me directly using the email address provided. Also feel free to take a look at my Github and LinkedIn profiles.